The PEPR Future Networks

This PEPR is endowed with €65 million for a 6-year period. Ten Targeted Projects have been committed as of May 2023 (104 PhD students and 67 post-docs have been recruited within this framework) and calls for projects will be launched before the end of 2024, notably in the field of photonics and on the theme of the societal impacts of future networks.

Structuring the scientific community

The program are organized into 4 axes

  • Network architectures and services: new network architectures and infrastructures, communication convergence, cloud, sensing, orchestration of multi-sector services
  • Technology building blocks: electronic and photonic components, signal processing
  • End-to-End systems: security, environmental impact, IoT services for verticals, theoretical foundations to support network optimization
  • Platforms and demonstrators on the platforms of the future: organizing the pooling of resources and opening them up to the scientific community and industrial partners, with the aim of carrying out end-to-end characterizations

Missions of the PEPR Future networks

Design future networks and networked systems that:

Écosystem of PEPR Future networks