Project JEN
‘Just Enough Networks’ to respond to user requirements
Develop just enough networks: network whose dimension, performance, resource usage and energy consumption are just enough to satisfy users needs.
- Anne-Cécile Orgerie, CNRS
- Serge Bories, CEA
- Joe Wiart, IMT
Communication networks are often presented as a necessary means of reducing the impact on the environment of various sectors of industry. In practice, the roll-out of new generations of mobile broadband networks has required increased communication resources for wireless access networks. This has proved an effective approach in terms of performance but concerns remain about its energy cost and more generally its environmental impacts. Exposure to electromagnetic fields also remains a cause of concern despite existing protection limits. In the JEN project, we propose to develop just enough networks: network whose dimension, performance, resource usage and energy consumption are just enough to satisfy users needs. Along with designing energy-efficient and sober networks, we will provide multi-indicators models that could help policy-makers and inform the public debate.
Fields of application
All the fields of application targeted by the Networks of the Future PEPR.
The consortium
- CNRS and associated establishments: IEMN, IETR, IMS, IRISA, LIGM, LIP, XLIM
- IMT-Atlantique, IMT-Nord Europe, IMT-Télécom Paris
- INRIA and associated establishments: CITI, CRIStAL
Dedicated website: https://jen.irisa.fr
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